Today we took our first trip to the emergency room with Baby Dave. We were just finishing up at the dentist office with Clay and Kristen when I turned around to tell Baby Dave it was time to go. He took off running and giggling as most 13 month olds do when they realize you're trying to get them. He tripped on the carpet and hit the middle of his forehead right on a corner of a wall. I do not handle blood very well especially when it's my child so I immediately went into panic mode. Thank the Lord for a wonderful Dentist and staff who helped me to press the wound together and bandage it enough to stop the bleeding so we could drive to the emergency room. After waiting 30 minutes to see a doctor, a set of x-rays, a huge numbing needle and 6 stitches I was still able to get this precious smile from my little boy. He was such a trooper through it all and has already been looking for the next thing to get into or fall off of.

And no, we don't normally go around shirtless in January. It was 66 degrees here today and after screaming under the bright surgical light for 15 minutes we had to lose the shirt.
oh... sad day :( Bradley has still never had a stitch, but my sweet Anna has had stitches TWO TIMES and needed them a third time, but God healed her right before the doctor looked at the wound. It was on easter and was truly a miracle! Anyway, i feel for you... I don't do well with my kids and blood. I always freak out and Mat has to ask me to leave the room so the kids will calm down. sad day